Flora's Bouquet Share


Flora's Bouquet Share


Flora's Bouquet Shares - One of kind bouquets crafted by Flora's Farmher Courtney. Every week receive a lushly arranged bouquet for your enjoyment or as a beautiful gift for someone special.

  • Flora Bay is Certified Naturally Grown. Farming methods are organic and sustainable, with no sprays (synthetic or organic) used. The land at Flora Bay, with all of its creatures and plants, are cared with respect for the natural processes of the Earth. Flowers are planted in abundance, allowing plenty of food and habitat for pollinators. Pollinator friendly!

  • Bouquets are made with plants in season - a 'Slow Flower' approach. Flowers are cut within a day of your bouquet pickup, ensuring a longer lasting vase life than flowers shipped from thousands of miles away. Our Slow Flowers are local, sustainable and safe for your compost pile after enjoyment. You receive the best of the season!

Pick Up Options - On farm, with your weekly LEAF (leaffoodhub.com) order or at The Neighborhood Co-op Grocery in Carbondale. Delivery options are available for a fee. Please email Courtney at florabayfarm@gmail.com or call/text 618.559.9484.

How to Start -  Purchase online or by contacting Courtney for payment arrangement.

Want to send a check instead? Checks can be mailed to Flora Bay Farm, 350 Bay Road, Carbondale, IL 62903. Please make checks payable to Courtney Smith.

  • If you are out of town or otherwise unable to pick up your flower share on a pick up week, someone else of your choosing may enjoy your bouquet. Please let me know!

  • Due to variances of Mother Nature, crop failure or severe weather events, sometimes a flower bouquet may not be possible for that week. I will work with you to either extend your share a week or offer a double share in one of the following weeks.

Flora's Bouquet Shares:
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We grow a wide variety of flowers, grasses, trees, fruits, vegetables and herbs with the help of Mother Nature. Many native plants thrive on our farm, such as rattlesnake master, black-eyed Susan and river oats. Old favorites, such as heirloom sweet peas, peonies and Bells of Ireland are lovingly cared for. Some plants often thought of as weeds, like Queen Anne’s Lace, goldenrod and daisy flea bane are appreciated as lively additions to our bouquets. Of course, we’ll always grow the beauties and favorites: zinnias, cockscomb, tassel flowers, globe amaranth, daisies, poppies, alliums and sunflowers.